SWL Rules
Many thanks to Oldrich Linhart, OK1YM
 for his great assistance formulating these rules, thank Olda!

The idea of this Category is to get the world Short Wave Listeners, (SWL) licensed or unlicensed to get involved in PSK. If your computer has a sound card with a microphone connected you will not need any interfacing at all. Simply allow the computer to listen to the Radio :)
Ok! SWL can count points for a station only once per band.
Log heard QSO as two separate entries only if SWL heard both exchanges. If only one side heard log only the one exchange. example.....

Date           UTC     Band      Mode     Call             Exchange     Worked     Points      Mults
26/01/01    10:30     20m       PSK        DL7AA       Peter DL         WM2U         1             DL
26/01/01    10:30     20m       PSK        WM2U        Ernie W2        DL7AA        1             W2
etc. etc.

All other rules apply. Please check em! out and make sure you select SWL category when submitting your score :)

 Good luck !