February, 1998 Page 3

Punxsutawney Phil No Match For Averill Park Steve !

We're sure all of you have heard the news about Punxsutawney Phil seeing his shadow, predicting we'll have at least 6 more weeks of winter, didn't you?

Anyway after hearing this news of Punxsutawney Phil our Editor-in-Chief instructed all of us to dig a little bit deeper and come up with something special. He wanted something to stir the juices within us. Something to break the doldrums of winter .

Well after hours of searching I think we've found a worthy news article that just might bring a smile to your face, "FIELD DAY ‘98."

Yes it's true, Steve Kopecky, KF2WA, has officially kicked off plans for this year’s Field Day ‘98 by holding his first planning session back on February 4. This was just the first in a series of meetings to come, Steve reports. This past meeting, as well as future meetings will be open to all those who would like to take a leadership roll in some capacity come June. Steve has requested if there is anyone wishing to join the FD team to please give him a call immediately at 518-674-4150. Those of you who have suggestions are likewise invited to attend these meetings and speak your mind.

Steve has explained right up front that we’ve had a lot of suggestions since last year’s Field Day. However, to implement many of them boils down too just one thing in particular...MANPOWER! Suggestions are great, but we still need all of you to take an active roll in some way. If you’re new to TARA, or if you just haven’t been able to participate over the past years, please let us know your field of expertise if you have one. We ask each of you to keep the following in mind , "each of you CAN make a difference," so please get involved!

The following were in attendance for the February meeting: Joel Glickman, KA1PRT; Bill St. Jean, N2YNP; Kenny Davis, KB2KFV; Jon LaBarr, KB2UKV; Mac Smith, KB2SPM; Steve Kopecky, KF2WA

And Now for February's Shareware Picks

NeoPlanet Web Browser
The Web browser for those tired of the bloated browsers from Microsoft and Netscape. This free browser (still in public beta) does everything the other two do: Plugins, ActiveX, Java, tables, frames, and more, yet it takes up only 1.5MB of your hard disk space.


Second Copy 404
Safely backup specific files or folders by letting Second Copy monitor changes, copying files to backup folders as needed. You can specify different sets of files, and you can keep older versions of backup files, too.


SpeedyNet 32-bit
With the SpeedyNet database installed, Windows can look up IP addresses on your local system, significantly cutting the seek time when you first contact a site.


Traffic Angel Helped to Diffuse a Bad Situation

Especially during this holiday season when everyone is all too busy with everyday hustle and bustle, I met a guardian angle, who rescued me in Troy when the brand-new car I was trying out suddenly died going up the hill towards Hudson Valley Community College. It was very frightening , to say the least, with all the cars trying to get by on a two-lane street. Thank you Bill Bruce, for taking time out of your day to stop and care, and radio for the police, and the car dealership.

Editor's Note: The above letter appeared in the Albany Times Union back on December 2, 1997. On behalf of the membership of TARA - congratulations Bill Bruce, KB2ZZC !